At St Peter’s all students from Year 6 have a role as student leaders.
During Term 4, students from Year 5 participate in leadership training which assists them in becoming responsible buddies for new Kindergarten students and also to assist them to become leaders for the following year.
The students choose team roles from the following three areas – Mercy, Sport and Environment.
The teams have responsibilities such as:
Mercy – Minnie Vinnies, Playground Pastoral Care, student welfare
Sport – sports shed, house leadership, playground play patrol, assistance at carnivals
Environment – gardens, recycling, general maintenance, tidiness, bins, etc.
All Year 6 members will receive leader badges and will be rostered to lead assemblies and to represent the school at functions. The preparation of the roster and an outline of duties will be the responsibility of the leaders themselves in consultation with the principal.
The leadership group will meet with the principal regularly to discuss issues around the playground, fundraising and student-sourced issues.
During Term 1, the leadership group will attend further leadership training at the Diocesan school leaders’ day.